Parish Council
Mission Statement: “The Pastoral Council of St. Joseph the Worker Parish is a representative body of parishioners that helps to enhance our parish mission by serving as trusted advisors to our pastor in matters relating to pastoral care, finance and parish planning.”
Roger Clark-Trustee
Dick Drahms
Christopher Lauster
Colette Amico
Frank Quinn
Lisette Bricco
Suzi Castellano
Sharon Ferindino
John Ellwood
Finance Council
The Finance Council meets on a quarterly basis with the Pastor and Finance Director. The mission of the council is to review and evaluate the parish’s financial issues in order to help provide advice to the pastor.
Rich Molisani, Jr.
Gene Roling
Buildings & Grounds Committee
The Buildings and Grounds Committee deals with the needs and upkeep of all the parishes’ properties. The committee meets on a quarterly basis, or as needed. The members are from each parish community. They inspect each parish property and work in collaboration with the maintenance staff. They report to and meet with our pastor and finance director to discuss issues and how to help resolve them financially and in all areas. Each church building has a clipboard at its main entrance for parishioners to write down any buildings and grounds issues that need to be addressed in a timely matter.
Kip Delisio
Gene Roling
Roger Clark
John Paliotti
Randy Delisio
Dick Drahms
Cemetery Committee
The Cemetery Committee meets two times a year, or as needed. This committee helps resolve any issues with St. John’s Cemetery and Mausoleum. They work together to make decisions regarding the cemetery’s maintenance and long term care and improvement.
Kip Delisio
Kathy Schrader
Rose Jeanne Strakal
John Capozzi
Randy Delisio